D.R. Kongo

Literatur zum Thema Gender

Amnesty International (AI)

Democratic Republic of Congo, Making a killing, The diamond trade in goverment-controlled DRC, AI Index AFR 62/017, AI Publication, London.
Mass rape, Democratic Republic of Congo, AI Index AFR 62/018, AI Publications, London.
Mass rape in the DR Congo, Time for remedies, AI Index 62/022, AI Publications, London.
Surviving rape, Voices from the East, AI Index 62/019, AI Publication, London.

Bosman, Marleen

Challenge in aid to rape victims, The case of the Democratic Republic of the Congo, in: Essex Human Rights Review, vol. 4, no. 1, S.1-12.

Brittain, Victoria

Calvary of the women of the Eastern Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), in: Review of African Political Economy, vol. 29, pp. 595-601.
Golgatha der Frauen, Gewalt an Frauen – brutale Realität im Osten der DR Kongo, in: Afrika Süd, 2, S.16-18.

Crystal, Paul / Ehrlich, Lisa

No product? No programme! The logistics of reproductive health supplies in conflict affected settings, in: Forced Migration Review, vol. 19, S.18-19.

Global IDP Project

DR Congo: renewed fighting, killings, rapes slow down IDP return and cause new displacements, Reliefweb, 29 Jul 2005, Geneva.

Higate, Paul

Gender and peacekeeping, Case studies: The Democratic Republic of Congo and Sierra Leone, ISS Monographs, no. 91, Pretoria.
Peacekeeping and gender, DRC and Sierra Leone. www.peacewomen.org

Higate, Paul / Henry, Marsha

Engendering (in)security in peace support operations, in: Security Dialogue, vol. 35, no. 4, S.481-498.

Human Rights Watch

The war within the war, Sexual violence against women and girls in Eastern Congo, Human Rights Watch Publications, New York.
Seeking justice, The prosecution of sexual violence in the Congo war, in: Human Rights Watch, vol. 17, no. 1 (A), Washington D.C.

International Crisis Group

Beyond victimhood, Women’s peacebuilding in Sudan, Congo and Uganda, Africa Report, no. 112, International Crisis Group, Nairobi/Brussels.


Web Special on violence against women and girls during and after conflict, IRIN News, New York.

Jackson, Dorothey

Twa women, Twa rights in the Great Lakes Region of Africa, Minority Rights Group International, Report, 4, London.

Kimani, Mary

Congolese women confront legacy of rape, War and sexual violence leave survivors in desperate need, in: Africa Renewal, vol. 20, no. 4, S.4.

Mbombo, Banza / Bayolo, Christian Hemedi

Women’s rights violations during the conflict in the democratic republic of the Congo, unpublished report, Kinshasa.

Mechanic, Eli

Why gender still matters, Sexual violence and the need to confront militarized masculinity, A case study of the conflict in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Partnership Africa Canada, Ottawa.

Mulange, C. / Bazepeo, S. et al.

Political and socio-economic instability, How does it affect HIV ? A case study in the Democratic Republic of Congo, in: AIDS, vol. 8, no. 5, S.832-834.

Palmery, Ingrid

Engendering wartime conflict: Women and war trauma, Centre for the Study of Violence and Reconciliation, Johannesburg.
Violence against women, in: Conflict Trends, 1, S.51-54.

Pole Institute

Women of Kivu speak out, Regards Croisés, Quarterly Magazine no. 4, Publications of the Polo Institute, Goma.
The coltan phenomenon, How rare mineral has changed the life of the population of war-torn Kivu Province in the East of the Democratic Republic of Congo, Goma.
An open wound, The issues of gender-based violence in North-Kivu, Regards Croises, Quarterly Magazine no. 11, Publications of the Polo Institute, Goma.

Pratt, Marion / Werchick, Leah

Sexual terrorism, Rape as a weapon of war in the Eastern Democratic Republic of Congo, USAID; Kinshasa / New York.

Puechguirbal, Nadine

Women and war in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, in: Signs: Journal of Women in Culture and Society, vol. 28, no. 4, pp. 1271-1282.
Women and peacekeeping in the Democratic Republic of Congo, Towards a common goal, in: Conflict Trends, no. 3, S.23-25.
Gender training for peace keepers, Lessons from the DRC, in: International Peacekeeping, vol. 10, 4, S.113-128.
Involving women in peace process, Lessons from four African countries (Burundi, DRC, Liberia and Sierra Leone, in: Karamé, Kari (ed.): Gender and peacebuilding in Africa, Training for Peace Programme, Norsk Utenrikspolitisk Institutt, Oslo, S.47-66.


Sexual violence in South Kivu, Congo, in: Forced Migration Review, 27, S.45-46.

Schafer, Loveness

True survivors, in: Africa Today, vol. 19, no. 2, S.29-48.

Schaffer, Ashley / Xiaowen, Lin

The gender dimensions of post-conflict reconstruction, with World Bank Examples, Brookings Institution, Washington D.C.

Schroeder, Emily

A window of opportunitiy in the Democratic Republic of Congo, Incorporating a gender perspective in the disarmament, demobilisation and reintegration process, in: Peace, Conflict and Development, An Interdisciplinary Journal, July 2004, S.1-31.

Sow, Ndeye

Gender and conflict, Transformation in the Great Lakes Region of Africa, International Alert, London.

Stensrud, Ellen / Husby, Gorill

Resolution 1325, From rhetoric to practice, A report on women`s role in reconciliation process in the Great Lakes of Africa, PRIO Report, Oslo.


Gender profile of the conflict in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, WomenWarPeace, UNIFEM Publication, New York.

Women for Women International

Ending violence against women in Eastern Congo, Preparing men to advocate for women’s rights, Women for Women International, Washington D.C.

Zuckerman, Elaine / Greenberg, Marcia

The gender dimension of post-conflict reconstruction, with World Bank examples, Brookings Institution, Washington D.C.


Adelman, Howard / Rao, Govind (eds.)

War and peace in Zaire/Congo, Analyzing and evaluating intervention, 1996-1997, Africa World Press, Trenton.

Afoaku, Osita George

Explaining the failure of democracy in the Democratic Republic of Congo, Autocracy and dissent in an ambivalent world, Edwin Mellen Press, Lewiston.
Nonstate actors and governance in Uganda, in: Khadiagala, Gilbert (ed.): Security dynamics in Africa’s Great Lakes Region, Lynne Rienner, Boulder, S.81-102.

African Rights

The Democratic Republic of Congo, The cycle of conflict, Which way out in the Kivus? African Rights Publication, London.

Alusala, Nelson

Armed conflict and disarmament, Selected Central African Case Studies, ISS, Pretoria.

Alusala, Nelson / Thusi, Thokozani

A step towards peace, Disarmament in Africa, ISS Monograph Series no. 98, Institute of Security Studies, Pretoria.

Amnesty International (AI)

Democratic Republic of Congo, Making a killing, The diamond trade in goverment-controlled DRC, AI Index AFR 62/017, AI Publication, London.
Mass rape, Democratic Republic of Congo, AI Index AFR 62/018, AI Publications, London.
Mass rape in the DR Congo, Time for remedies, AI Index 62/022, AI Publications, London.
Surviving rape, Voices from the East, AI Index 62/019, AI Publication, London.

Astroff, Robert / Meren, David

Short term gain, long term pain, An assessment of United Nations Charter VII activities in Central Africa, in: Mychajlyszyn, Natalie / Shaw, Timothy (eds.): Twisting arms and flexing musclees, Humanitarian intervention and peacebuilding in perspective, Ashgate Publishers, Aldershot, S.59-70.

Aust, Bjorn / Jaspers, Willem

From resource war to ‘violent peace’, Transition in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, BICC Paper, no. 50, BICC, Bonn.

Autesserre, Séverine

D.R. Congo, Explaining peace building failure, 2003-2006, in: Review of African Political Economy, vol. 34, no. 113, S.423-442.

Bailey, Sarah / Walsh, Steve

The use of cash in emergency and post-conflict emergency, non-food item programs, A case study from the Democratic Republic of Congo, in: Journal of Humanitarian Assistance, May 2007.

Bafunyembaka, Luc

Im Osten nichts Neues, Sicherheitslage in der DR Kongo nach Abzug ruandischer Truppen weiter fragil, in: Afrika Süd, 6, S.36-37.

Baregu, Mwesiga

Congo in the Great Lakes Conflict, in: Khadiagala, Gilbert (ed.): Security dynamics in Africa’s Great Lakes Region, Lynne Rienner, Boulder, S.59-80.

Berdal, Mats / Malone, David (eds.)

Greed and grievance, Economic agendas in civil wars, Lynne Rienner Publishers, Boulder.

Berman, Eric / Sams, Katie

Peacekeeping in Africa, Capabilities and culpabilities, Publications of the United Nations Institute of Disarmament Research / ISS, Geneva / Pretoria.

Bockie, Simon

Death and the invisible powers, The world of Congo belief, Indiana University Pess, Bloomington.

Bope, Bundwoong Lobo

Afrikanische Gesellschaft im Wandel, Soziale Mobilität und Landflucht in Zaire, Brandes und Apsel Verlag, Frankfurt a.M.

Bosman, Marleen

Challenge in aid to rape victims, The case of the Democratic Republic of the Congo, in: Essex Human Rights Review, vol. 4, no. 1, S.1-12.

Braxton, Gloria

Designing gender specific interventions in Zaire, in: James, Valentine Udoh (ed.): Women and sustainable development in Africa, London, S.63-84.

Brittain, Victoria

Calvary of the women of Eastern Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), in: Review of African Political Economy, no. 93/94, S.595-628.
Golgatha der Frauen, Gewalt an Frauen brutale Realität im Osten der D.R. Kongo, in: Afrika Süd, Nr. 2, S.16-17.

Brüne, Stefan

Militärgestützte Demokratisierung? Die Befriedung der D.R. Kongo und die Europäische Union, in: S+F, Vierteljahreszeitschrift für Sicherheit und Frieden, 3, S.117-121.

Burke-White, William

Complementarity in practice: The International Criminal Court as part of a system of multi-level global governance in the Democratic Republic of Congo, in: Leiden Journal of International Law, vol. 18, no. 3, S.557-590.

Bwenge, Arsène Mwaka

Researching ethno-political conflicts and violence in the Democratic Republic of Congo, in: Porter, Elisabeth (ed.): Researching conflict in Africa, Insights and experiences, James Currey, London, S.90-105.


From reshaping to resizing a failed state? The case of the Congo/Zaire, in: Lustick, Ian / O’Leary, Brendan / Callaghy, Thomas (eds.): Right sizing the state, The politics of moving borders, Oxford University Press, Oxford, S.102-137.

Carayannis, Tatiana

The complex wars of The Congo, in: Journal of Asian and African Studies, vol. 38, S.232-255.

Carayannis, Tatiana / Weiss, Herbert

The Democratic Republic of the Congo, 1996-2002, in: Boulden, Jane (ed.): Dealing with conflict in Africa, The United Nations and regional organizations, Palgrave, New York, S.253-304.

Chrétien, Jean-Pierre

The Great Lakes of Africa, Two thousand years of history, Zone Books, New York.

Cilliers, Jakkie

Peacekeeping in the DRC, MONUC and the road to peace, ISS Monograph Series, no. 66, Pretoria.

Clark, John

Explaining Ugandan intervention in Congo, Evidence and interpretations, in: The Journal of Modern African Studies, vol. 39, no. 2, S.261-287.
Resource revenues and political development in sub-Saharan Africa, Congo Republic in comparative perspective, in: Afrika Spectrum, 37, 1, S.25-41.

Clark, John (ed.)

The African stakes of the Congo war, MacMillan / Palgrave Publishers, Basingstoke / New York.

Conze, Albrecht

Reich und hilflos ausgeliefert, Die ausdauernde Plünderung des Kongos, in: Internationale Politik, 5, S.58-69.

Crystal, Paul / Ehrlich, Lida

No product? No programme! The logistics of reproductive health supplies in conflict-affected settings, in: Forced Migration Review, 19, S.18-19.

De Boeck, Filip

Postcolonialism, power and identity, Local and global perspectives from Zaire, in: Werbner, Richard / Ranger, Terance (eds.): Postcolonial identities in Africa, Zed Books, London, S.75-104.
Identité, résistance et ‘effervescene’ sociale, Perspectives locales et globales au Zaire, in: Cahiers Africains, 19-20, S.184-219.
Beyond the grave, History, memory and death in post-colonial Congo/Zaire, in: Werbner, Richard (ed.): Memory in the post-colony, African anthropology and the critique of power, Zed Books, London, S.21-57.
Domesticating dimonds and dollars, Identity, expenditure and sharing in Southwestern Zaire (1984-1997), in: Meyer, Birgit / Geschiere, Peter (eds.): Globalization and identity, Dialectics of flow and closure, Blackwell, Oxford, S.177-210.
Boderland breccia, The mutual hero in the historical imagination of a Central African diamond frontier, in: Journal of Colonialism and Colonial History, 1, 2, S.1-44.
Le ‘deuxième monde’ et les ‘enfants-sorciers’, in: Politique Africaine, 80, S.37-52.
Comment dompter diamants et dollars, Dépense, partage et identité au Sud-Ouest du Zaire (1980-1997), in: Cahiers Africains, 45-46, S.171-208.
Garimpeiro worlds, Digging, dying and ‘hunting’ for diamonds in Angola, in: Review of African Political Economy, 90, S.549-562.
The divine seed, Cildren, gift and witchcraft in the Democratic Republic of Congo, in: Honwana, Alcinda / De Boeck, Filip (eds.): Makers and breakers, Children and youth in post-colonial Africa, James Currey, Oxford, S.188-214.

De Carvalho, Gustavo

MONUC and post-electoral challenges in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, in: Conflict Trends, 4, S.41-47.

De Herdt, Tom

Democracy and the money machine in Zaire, in: Review of African Political Economy, no. 93/94, S.445-462.

De Herdt, Tom / Tshimanga, Claudine

War and political economy in Kinshasa, in: Marysse, Stefan / Reyntjens, Filip (eds.): The political economy of the Great Lakes Region in Africa, The pitfalls of enforced democracy and globalization, MacMillan / Palgrave Publishers, Houndsmills, Basingstoke / New York, S.223-244.

De Villers, Gautier / Tshonda, Jean Omasombo

An intransitive transition, in: Review of African Political Economy, no. 93/94, S.399-410.

De Witte, Ludo

Regierungsauftrag Mord, Der Tod Lumumbas und die Kongo-Krise, Forum Verlag, Leipzig, Leipzig.

Debiel, Tobias

UN-Friedensoperationen in Afrika, Weltinnenpolitik und die Realität von Bürgerkriegen, Dietz Verlag Nachf., Bonn.

Dembour, Marie Bénédicte

Whipping as a symbol of Belgian colonialism, in: Canadian Journal of African Studies, vol. 26, S.205-225.
Recalling the Belgian Congo, Conversations and introspection, Berghahn Books, Oxford.

Dijkzeul, Dennis

Healing governance? Four health NGOs in war-torn Eastern Congo, in: Journal of International Affairs, vol. 57, 1, S.183-199.

Dijkzeul, D. / Lynch, C.

Supporting local health care in chronic crisis, Management and financing approaches in Eastern Democratic Republic of the Congo, The National Academic Press, Washington D.C.

Doom, Ruddy / Gorus, Jan (eds.)

Politics of identity and economic conflict in the Great Lakes Region, VUB University Press, Brussels.

Doevenspeck, Martin

Lake Kivu methane gas, Natural risk, or source of energy and political security, in: Afrika Spectrum, 42, 1, S.95-110.

Duffield, M. / Lautze, S. / Jones, B.

Strategic humanitarian coordination in the Great Lakes Region, 1996-1997, United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA), New York.

Dunn, Kevin

Imagining the Congo, The international relations of identity, Palgrave Publishers, New York.

Dupre, Marie Claude

Mothers, healers and farmers in Congo, in: Bryceson, Deborah Fahy (ed.): Women wielding the hoe, Oxford, S.152-164.

Eaton, David

Diagonsing the crisis in the Republic of Congo, in: Africa, vol. 76, no. 1, S.44-68.

Edgerton, Robert

The troubled heart of Africa, A history of the Congo, St. Martin’s Press, New York.

Ehrhart, Hans-Georg

Zwischen rationalistischem Kalkül und Logik der Angemessenheit, Zur Ethik des Befriedungskonzeptes von VN und EU im Kongo, in: S+F, Vierteljahreszeitschrift für Sicherheit und Frieden, 2, S.105-115.

Ellis, Stephen / MacGaffey, Janet

Research on Sub-Saharan Africa’s unrecorded international trade, Some methodological and conceptual problems, in: African Studies Review, vol. 39, no. 2, S.19-41.

Emizet, K.

The massacre of refugees in Congo, A case of UN peacekeeping failure and international law, in: Journal of Modern African Studies, vol. 38, no. 2, S.163-202.

Englebert, Pierre

A research note on Congo’s nationalist paradox, in: Review of African Political Economy, no. 93/94, S.591-594.

Evangelisches Missionswerk Deutschland (Hg.)

Kongo, Geschichte eines geschundenen Landes, Redaktion Bernd Ludermann, Weltmission Heute, 55, EMW, Hamburg.

Ewans, Martin

European atrocity, African catastrophe, Léopold II, the Congo Free State and its aftermath, Routledge, London.

Fabian, Johannes / Tshibumba, K.M.

Remembering the present, University of California Press, Berkeley.

Fairhead, James

Paths of authority, Roads, the state and the market in Eastern Zaire, in: European Journal of Development Research, vol. 4, no. 2, S.17-35.

Fennell, James

Hope suspended: Morality, politics and war in Central Africa, in: Disasters, vol. 22, no. 2, S.96–108.

Füllberg-Stolberg, Katja

‘Say Africa when you pray,’ Afro-Amerikanische Missionarinnen in Zentralafrika, in: Asien, Afrika, Lateinamerika, vol. 25, S.127-140.

Gibbs, David

The political economy of Third World intervention, Mines, money and US policy in the Congo crisis, University of Chicago Press, Chicago.
The United Nations, International peace-keeping and the question of ‘impartiality’, Revisiting the Congo Operation of 1960, in: Journal of Modern African Studies, vol. 38, no. 3, S.359-382.

Global Witness

Same old story, A background study on the natural ressources in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Global Witness, London.

Gondola, Didier

Popular music, urban society, and changing gender relations in Kinshasa, Zaire (1950-1990), in: Grosz-Ngate, Maria and Kokole, Omari H. (eds.): Gendered Encounters: Challenging cultural boundaries and social hierarchies in Africa, Routledge, London, pp. 65-84.

Ginifer, Jeremy

Peacekeeping in the Congo, Mission impossible? In: International Peacekeeping, Nr. 9, no. 3, S.121-128.

Global IDP Project

DR Congo: renewed fighting, killings, rapes slow down IDP return and cause new displacements, Reliefweb, 29 Jul 2005, Geneva.

Gondola, Didier

The history of Congo, The international relations of identity, Palgrave, New York.

Hamann, Hartmut

Die Übergangsverfassung der Demokratischen Republik Kongo, Förderalismus oder Zentralismus? in: Zeitschrift für ausländisches öffentliches Recht und Völkerrecht, 65, S.467-500.

Hawkins, Virgil

Stealth conflicts, Africa’s world war in the DRC and international consciousness, in: Journal of Humanitarian Assistance, Jan. 2004.

Higate, Paul

Gender and peacekeeping, Case studies: The Democratic Republic of Congo and Sierra Leone, ISS Monograph Series, no. 91, Publications of the Institute of Security Studies, Pretoria.

Higate, Paul / Henry, Marsha

Engendering (in)security in peacekeeping operations, in: Security Dialogue, vol. 35, no. 4, S.481-498.

Higginson, John

A working class in the making, Belgian colonial labour policy, Private enterprise, and the African mineworker 1907-1951, University of Wisconsin Press, Madison.

Hochschild, Adam

King Leopold’s ghost, A story of greed, terror and heroism in colonial Africa, Panos Books, London.

Human Rights Watch

Reluctant recruits, Children and adults forcibly recruited for military service in North Kivu, Human Rights Watch Publicatios, vol. 13, no. 3 (A), New York.
The war within the war, Sexual violence against women and girls in Eastern Congo, Human Rights Watch Publications, New York.
Ituri, “Converted in blood”, Ethnically targeted violence in Northeastern D.R. Congo, Human Rights Watch Publications, 11 A, New York.
Seeking justice, The prosecution of sexual violence in the Congo war, in: Human Rights Watch, vol. 17, no. 1 (A), Washington D.C.
The curse of gold, Democratic Republic of Congo, Human Rights Watch Publications, New York, Washington D.C.

Hund, Kirsten / Verbruggen, Didier

The state versus the people? Governance, mining and the transitional regime in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, The case of Katanga, IPIS, Antwerp.

Hunt, Nancy Rose

Domesticity and colonialism in Belgian Africa, Usambura’s Foyer Social, 1946-1960, in: Signs, vol. 15, no. 3, S.447-474.
A colonial lexicon of birth ritual, medicalization, and mobility in the Congo, Duke University Press, Durham.

Ilunga Matthiesen, Kalala

Lage der Menschenrechte in der Demokratischen Republik Kongo, in: Humanitäres Völkerrecht, 19, 1, S.11-19.

International Alert / Pole Institute

Natural Resource Exploitation and Human Security in the Democratic Republic of Congo: Seminar Report, International Alert, London.

International Centre for Transtional Justice

A first few steps: The long road to a just peace in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, New York.

International Crisis Group

The Kivus, The forgotten crucible of the Congo conflict, Africa Report, no. 56, Nairobi/Brussels/New York.
Maintaining momentum in the Congo, The Ituri problem, Africa Report, no. 84, Publications of the International Crisis Group, Nairobi/Brussels/New York.
The Congo’s transition is failing, Crisis in the Kivus, Africa Report, no. 91, Publications of the International Crisis Group, Nairobi/Brussels/New York.
Beyond victimhood, Women’s peacebuilding in Sudan, Congo and Uganda, Africa Report, no. 112, International Crisis Group, Nairobi/Brussels.
Escaping the confilct trap, Promoting good governance in the Congo’s, Africa Report, no. 114, Publications of the International Crisis Group, Nairobi/Brussels/New York.
Congo, Staving engaged after the elections, Africa Briefing no. 44, Publications of the International Crisis Group, Nairobi/Brussels/New York.

ICC – International Criminal Court

Situation in the Democratic Republic of The Congo, Public Document, ICC 01-/04, 10.11.2006, ICC, The Hague.


Web Special on violence against women and girls during and after conflict, IRIN News, New York.

Jackson, Dorothey

Twa women, Twa rights in the Great Lakes Region of Africa, Minority Rights Group International, Report, 4, London.

Jackson, Stephen

Économies de guerre et rumeurs de crime au Kivu, in: Politique Africaine, 84, S.117-136.
Making a killing, Criminality and coping in the Kivu war economy, in: Review of African Political Economy, no. 93/94, S.517-536.
Sons of which soil? The language and politics of autochthony in Eastern D.R. Congo, in: African Studies Review, vol. 49, no. 2, S.95-123.

Jakobeit, Cord

Krisenmanagement am Beispiel Kongo, in: Blanke, Ursula (Hg.): Krisen und Konflikte, Von der Prävention zur Friedenskonsolidierung, Berliner Wissenschaftsverlag, Berlin, S.275-296.

Jaspers, Willem

Die Herausforderungen im Kongo beginnen erst, in: Schoch, Bruno / Heinemann-Gründer, Andreas / Mutz, Reinhard et al. (eds.): Friedensgutachten 2007, Lit-Verlag, Münster, S.273-284.

Johnson, Dominic

Auf tönernen Füßen, in: Internationale Politik, Nr. 4, S.50-57.
Kongolesische Katastrophe, Der Bürgerkrieg als Kontinentalkrieg, in: Blätter für deutsche und internationale Politik, 51, 8, S.959-968.
Überforderte Truppen, in: E und Z, 3, 47. Jg. S.114-116.
In Wahlen geteiltes Land, in: E und Z, 12, 47. Jg, S.459-461.
Unsichtbare Opfer, schamlose Täter, in: Welt-Sichten, 1, S.43-44.
Kongo - Kriege, Korruption und die Kunst des Überlebens, Brandes und Apsel Verlag, Frankfurt a.M.

Jorgensen, Mandrup Thomas

You need a stick to be able to use it gently, The South African Armed Forces in the Democratic Republic of Congo, in: Buur, Lars / Jensen, Steffen / Stepputat, Finn (eds.): The security development nexus, Expressions of sovereignty and securitization in Southern Africa, Publications of the Nordic Africa Institute / HSRC Press, Uppsala / Cape Town, S.37-62.

Kabemba, Claude

South Africa and the DRC, Is a stable and development state possible in the Congo? in: Southall, Roger (ed.): South Africa’s role in conflict resolution and peacemaking in Africa, HSRC Press, Pretoria, S.151-171.
The Democratic Republic of Congo, in: Clapham, Christopher / Herbst, Jeffrey / Mills, Greg (eds.): Big African states, Witwatersrand University Press, Johanesburg, S.97-122.

Kaul, Volker

Diamantenhandel und der Krieg in Kongo/Zaire, in: Afrika Spectrum, 42, 1, S.49-71.

Kelly, Sean

America’s tyrant, The CIA and Mobutu of Zaire, The American University Press, Washington D.C.

Kennes, Erik

The mining sector in Congo, The victim or the orphan of globalization? in: Marysse, Stefan / Reyntjens, Filip (eds.): The political economy of the Great Lakes Region in Africa, The pitfalls of enforced democracy and globalization, MacMillan / Palgrave Publishers, Houndsmills, Basingstoke / New York, S.152-189.

Kent, Vanessa / McIntyre, Angela

From protection to empowerment, Civilians as stakeholders in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, ISS Paper 84, Institute for Security Studies, Pretoria.

Khadiagala, Gilbert (ed.)

Security dynamics in Africa’s Great Lakes Region, Lynne Rienner, Boulder.

Kimani, Mary

Congolese women confront legacy of rape, War and sexual violence leave survivors in desperate need, in: Africa Renewal, vol. 20, no. 4, S.4.

Kichner, Stefan

Hell on earth, Systematic rape in Eastern Congo, in: Journal of Humanitarian Assistance, August 2007.

Kiza, Ernesto / Rathgeber, Corene / Rohne, Holger C.

Victims of war, An empirical study on war victimisation and victims’s attitudes towards addressing atrocities, Hamburger Edition Online, Hamburg.

Kobia, Roland

European Union Commission policy in the DRC, in: Review of African Political Economy, no. 93/94, S.431-443.

Koudissa, Jonas

Kongo – Kinshasa, Ein Konflikt ohne Ausgang?, in: Imunde, Lawford (ed.): Die Rolle der Zivilgesellschaft und der Religion bei der Demokratisierung Afrikas, Loccumer Protokolle 55/00, Veröffentlichungen der evangelischen Akademie Loccum, Rehburg-Loccum, S.129-142.

Krause, Alexandra

Die EU als friedenspolitischer Akteur in Afrikas Region der Großen Seen – eine Bilanz, in: Hauswedell, Corinna et al. (eds.): Friedensgutachten 2003, Lit-Münster, Münster, S.166-169.

Leclercq, H.

Le role economique du diamant dans le conflict Congolais, in: Cahiers Africains, 45-46, S.47-49.

Lempa, Kristian

Überwindung des ‘Paradox of plenty’, Die Implementierung der ‘Extractive Industries Transparancy Initiative’ in der DR Kongo, in: Afrika Süd, 1, S.32-33.

Leslie, Winsome

Zaire, Continuity and political changes in an oppressive state, Westview Press, Boulder.

Lemarchand, René

Patterns of state collapse and reconstruction in Central Africa, Reflections on the crisis in the Great Lakes, in: African Studies Quarterly, vol. 3, S.1-19.
Exklusion, marginalization and political mobilization, The road to hell in the Great Lakes, Occasional Paper, Centre of African Studies, University of Copenhagen, Copenhagen.
The tunnel at the end of the light, in: Review of African Political Economy, no. 93/94, S.389-398.
The Democratic Republic of the Congo, From failure to potential reconstruction, in: Rotberg, Robert (ed.): State failure and state weakness in a time of terror, World Peace Foundation, Cambridge, S.29-69.
Consociationalism and power sharing in Africa, Rwanda, Burundi, and the Democratic Republic of the Congo, in: African Affairs, 106, 422, S.1-20.

Likaka, O.

Rural society and cotton in colonial Zaire, University of Wisconsin Press, Madison.

Lilly, Damian

Faltering reform of the security sector impedes the DRC peace process, in: Conflict, Security and Development, vol. 5, no. 3, S.371-379.

Link, Nikolai

Mythos und Realität, Ethnizität und der Kampf um Ressourcen in der D.R. Congo, in: Afrika Süd, 6, S.19-24.
Fragwürdige Ziele, ungeeignete Mittel, in: Afrika Süd, no. 2, S.32-33.

Longman, Timothy

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