
Literatur zum Thema Gender

Agadjanian, Victor / Prata, Ndola

War and reproduction, Angola’s fertility in comparative perspective, in: Journal of Southern African Studies, vol. 27, no. 2, S.329-347.
War, peace and fertility in Angola, in: Demography, vol. 39, no. 3, S.215-231.

Campbell, Horace

Angolan women in search for peace, in: African Journal of Political Sciences, vol. 3, no. 1, S.70-81.
The search for peace in Angola, The crucial role of women, I, in: Africa Quarterly, vol. 29, no. 1, S.1-40.
The search for peace in Angola, The crucial role of women II, in: Africa Quarterly, vol. 29, no. 2, S.105-140.

Crystal, Paul / Ehrlich, Lisa

No product? No programme! The logistics of reproductive health supplies in conflict affected settings, in: Forced Migration Review, vol. 19, S.18-19.

Ducados, Henda

An all men show? Angolan women’s survival in the 30-years war, in: Agenda, no. 43, S.11-22.
Angolan women in the aftermath of conflict, in: Accord: An International Review of Peace Initiatives, vol.15, pp.1-15.

El-Bushra, Judy

Fused in combat, Gender relations and armed conflict, in: Development in Practice, vol. 13, no. 2-3, S.252-265.

El-Bushra, Judy / El-Karib, Asha / Hadjipateras, Angela

Gender sensitive programme design and planning in conflict affected situations, Research Report, Annex 2: Angola Case Study, written by Marina da Souza and Tyiteta Areline, ACORD, London.

Flechner, David

A human rights approach to pretecting people living with HIV/AIDS in Angola, in: International Social Science Journal, no. 186, S.627-638.

Human Rights Watch

Struggling through peace, Return and resettlement in Angola, Human Rights Watch, vol. 15, no. 16, New York.


Web special on violence against women and girls during and after conflict, IRIN News, New York.

Jacobson, Ruth

Gender, war, and peace in Mozambique and Angola: Advances and absences, in: Mazurana, Dyan E. / Raven-Roberts, Angela / Parpart, Jane L. (eds.): Gender, Conflict and Peacekeeping, Rowman and Littlefield Lanham, S.134-147.

Laudowicz, Edith

Ich werde arbeiten und kämpfen, Frauen in Angola, in: Laudowicz, Edith (Hg.): Befreites Land – befreites Leben? Frauen in Befreiungsbewegungen und Revolutionen, Pahl-Rugenstein Verlag, Köln, S.57-93.

Organization of Angolan Women

Angolan women building the future, From national liberation to women's emancipation, Zed Books, London.

Powles, Julia

Refugee voices: Home and homelessness: The life history os Susanna Mwana-uta, an Angolan refugee, in: Journal of Refugee Studies, vol. 15, pp.81-101.

Scott, Catherine

„Men in our country behave like chiefs, Women and the Angolan revolution, in: Tétreault, Mary Ann (ed.): Women and the revolution in Africa, Asia and the New World, University of California Press, Columbia, S.89-109.
Contradictions in the challenges to dependency: The roots of counter-revolution in Southern Africa, in: Scott, Catherine V. (ed.): Gender and development: Rethinking modernizaton and dependency theory, Lynne Rienner, Boulder/London, pp.105-119.

Shaw, Timothy

Human insecurity and problematic peacekeeping in Africa, Beyond ‘blood diamonds’ and HIV/AIDS, in: Mychajlyszyn, Natalie / Shaw, Timothy (eds.): Twisting arms and flexing muscles, Humanitarian intervention and peacebuilding in perspective, Ashgate Publishers, Aldershot, S.35-51.

Wilson, Zoe

State making, Peacemaking, and the inscription of gendered politics into peace: Lessons from Angola, in: Mazurana, Dyan E. / Raven-Roberts, Angela / Parpart, Jane L. (eds.): Gender, conflict and peacekeeping, Rowman and Littlefield, Lanham, 232-264.


Agadjanian, Victor / Prata, Ndola

War and reproduction, Angola’s fertility in comparative perspective, in: Journal of Southern African Studies, vol. 27, no. 2, S.329-347.
War, peace and fertility in Angola, in: Demography, vol. 39, no. 3, S.215-231.

Alberto, Tunga Francisco

Physical, psychological and political displacement in Angola and Mozambique, in: Development in Practice, vol. 7, no. 4, S.490-493.

Anstee, Margaret

Orphan of the cold war, The inside story of the collapse of the Angolan peace process, 1992-1993, St. Martin’s Press, New York.

Bakonyi, Jutta / Stovoy, Kristi

Violence and social order beyond the state, Somalia and Angola, in: Review of African Political Economy, no. 104-105, S.359-382.

Batchelor, Peter / Kingma, Kees (eds.)

Demilitarization and peace-building in Southern Africa, vol. I, Concepts and processes, Ashgate Publishing, Aldershot.

Beck, Teresa Koloma / Schlichte, Klaus

Nature and civilization in the habitus of the warrior, Working Paper, Mikropolitics, Nr. 1, Junior Research Group Micropolitics of Armed Groupes, Humboldt University of Berlin, Berlin

Belik, Helio

Angola and the fragmentation of the post-colonial African state, in: Ferguson, Brian (ed.): The state, identity and violence, Political disintegration in the post-cold war world, Routledge, London, S.243-260.

Bender, Gerald

Peacemaking in Southern Africa, the Luanda-Pretoria tug-of-war, in: Third World Quarterly, vol. 11, no. 1, S.15-30.
Angola under the Portuguese, The myths and reality, Africa World Press, Trenton.

Birmingham, David

Frontline nationalism in Angola and Mozambique, James Currey, London/Oxford.
Angola, in: Chabal, Patrick (ed.): A history of postcolonial lusophone Africa, Hurst and Company, London, S.137-184.
Empire in Africa, Angola and its neighbours, Ohio University Press, Ohio.

Brinkman, Inge

Ways of death, Accounts of terror from Angolan refugees in Namibia, in: Africa, vol. 70, no. 1, S.1-24.
Stadt, Land und Busch, Krieg, Identität und kulturelle Landschaft in Süd-Ost-Angola, in: Historische Anthropologie, vol. 8, no. 3, S.383-409.
„Menschen sind keine Fische, sie sollten frei sein“, Migranten aus Süd-Angola in Nord-Namibia zu Fragen der Politik, Macht und Legitimität, in: Augel, Johannes / Meyns, Peter (Hrsg.): Transformationsprobleme im portugiesichsprachigen Afrika, Hamburger Beiträge zur Afrika-Kunde, Nr. 66, Institut für Afrika-Kunde, Hamburg, S.135-152.
War, witches and traitors, Cases from MPLA’s eastern front in Angola, 1966-1975, in: Journal of African History, vol. 44, S.303-325.
A war for people, Civilians, mobility and legitimacy in South-East Angola during MPLA’s war for independence, Rüdiger Köppe Verlag, Köln.
Angolan civilians in wartime, 1961-1992, in: Laband, John (ed.): Daily lives of civilians in wartime Africa, Greenwood Press, Westport, S.196-194.

Brinkman, Inge / Fleisch, Axel (eds.)

Grandmother’s footsteps, Oral tradition in South-Eastern Angolan narratives on the colonial encounters, Rüdiger Köppe Verlag, Köln.

Brittain, Victoria

Death of dignity, Angola’s civil war, Pluto Press, London.

Broadhead, Herlin Susan

Slave wives, free sisters, Bakongo women and slavery c. 1700-1850, in: Robertson, Claire / Klein, Martin (eds.): Women and slavery in Africa, University of Wisconsin Press, Madison, S.160-181.

Cain, Allan

Humanitarian and development actors as peacebuilders in Angola, in: Review of African Political Economy, no. 90, S.577-586.
Livelihoods and informal economy in post-war Angola, in: Clover, Jenny / Cornwell, Richard (eds.): Supporting sustainable livelihoods, A critical review of assistance in post-conflict situations, ISS Monograph Series, no. 102, ISS Publications, Pretoria, S.87-101.

Campbell, Horace

Angolan women and the electoral process in Angola 1992, in: Africa Development, vol. 28, no. 2, S.23-63.
Angolan women in search for peace, in: African Journal of Political Sciences, vol. 3, no. 1, S.70-81.
The search for peace in Angola, The crucial role of women, I, in: Africa Quarterly, vol. 29, no. 1, S.1-40.
The search for peace in Angola, The crucial role of women, II, in: Africa Quarterly, vol. 29, no. 2, S.105-140.

Cann, John

Counterinsurgency in Africa, The Portuguese way of war, 1961-1974, Greenwood Press, Westport.

Chabal, Patrick / Vidal, Nuno (eds.)

Angola, The weight of history, Hurst Publishers, London.

Chaulia, Sreeram

Angola, Empire of the humanitarians, in: Journal of Humanitarian Assistance, July 2006.

Cilliers, Jakkie

Business and war in Angola, in: Review of African Political Economy, no. 90, S.636-641.

Cilliers, Jakkie / Dietrich, Christian (eds.)

Angola’s war economy, The role of oil and diamonds, ISS Publications, Pretoria.

Cramer, Christopher

Angola and the theory of war, in: Chabal, Patrick / Engel, Ulf / Gentili, Anna-Maria (eds.): Is violence inevitable in Africa? Theories of conflict and approaches to conflict prevention, Brill Publishers, Leiden, S.17-34.

Crystal, Paul / Ehrlich, Lisa

No product? No programme! The logistics of reproductive health supplies in conflict affected settings, in: Forced Migration Review, vol. 19, S.18-19.

Da Souza, Marina and Areline, Tyiteta

Angola case study, Annex 2, part of a multi-country study: Gender sensitive programme design and planning in conflict affected situations, co-ordinated by: El-Bushra, Judy / El-Karib, Asha / Hadjipateras, Angela, Research report, ACORD, London.

De Boeck, Filip

Garimpeiro worlds, Digging, dying and ‘hunting’ for diamonds in Angola, in: Review of African Political Economy, no. 90, S.549-562.

Debiel, Tobias

UN-Friedensoptionen in Afrika, Weltinnenpolitik und die Realität von Bürgerkriegen, Dietz Verlag Nachfolger, Bonn.

Dos Santos, Naiole Cohen

Beyond inequalities, Women in Angola, ARDA/SARDC Publication, Luanda/Harare.

Doxtader, Erik / Khaukha, Ricky

Angola, The beginning of hope for peace, in: Doxtader, Erik / Villa-Vicencio, Charles (eds.): Through fire and water, The roots of division and the potential for reconciliation in Africa, David Philip/New Africa Books, Cape Town, S.107-128.

Ducados, Henda

An all men show? Angolan women’s survival in the 30-years war, in: Agenda, no. 43, S.11-22.
Angolan women in the aftermath of conflict, in: Accord: An International Review of Peace Initiatives, vol.15, S.1-15.

Dzinesa, Gwinyayi Albert

A comparative perspective of UN peacekeeping in Angola and Namibia, in: Journal of Peace Research, vol. 11, no. 4, S. 644 – 663.

El-Bushra, Judy

Fused in combat, Gender relations and armed conflict, in: Development in Practice, vol. 13, no. 2-3, S.252-265.

El-Bushra, Judy / Sahl, Ibrahim

Cycles of violence, Gender relations and armed conflict, ACORD Publication, Nairobi/London.

Endruweit, Jule

Angola und Mosambik, Endloser Krieg versus Erfolg versprechende Friedenskonsolidierung, in: Ferdowsi, Mir / Matthies, Volker (Hrsg.): Den Frieden gewinnen, Zur Konsolidierung von Friedensprozessen in Nachkriegsgesellschaften, Dietz Verlag Nachfolger, Bonn, S.238-270.

Eyber, Carola / Ager, Alastair

Researching young people’s experiences of war, Participatory methods and the trauma discourse in Angola, in: Boyden, Jo / De Berry, Joanna (eds.): Children and youth on the front line, Ethnography, armed conflict, and displacement, Berghahn Books, New York, S.189-208.

Fandrych, Sabine

Die Waffen schweigen, in: Afrika Süd, Nr. 3, S.13-17.
China in Angola, Nachhaltiger Wiederaufbau, kalkulierte Wahlkampfhilfe oder globale Interessenpolitik? Hintergrundinformationen aus der internationalen Entwicklungszusammenarbeit in Afrika, Veröffentlichungen der Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung, Bonn.

Ferreira, Ennes Manuel

Angola, Civil war and the manufacturing industry, 1975-1999, in: Brauer, Jurgen / Dune, Paul (eds.): Arming the South, Palgrave, New York, S.251-273.
Development and the peace divided, Insecurity paradox in Angola, in: European Journal of Development Research, vol. 17, no. 3, S.509-524.

Futini, Leonid

The collapse of the socialist state, Angola and the Sowjet Union, in: Zartmann, William (ed.): Collapsed states, The disintegration and restoration of legitimate authority, Lynne Rienner, Boulder, S.143-156.

Flechner, David

A human rights approach to pretecting people living with HIV/AIDS in Angola, in: International Social Science Journal, no. 186, S.627-638.

Frynas, George Jedrzey / Wood, Geoffrey

Oil and war in Angola, in: Review of African Political Economy, no. 90, S.587-606.

Gamba, Virginia / Cornwell, Richard

Arms, elites and resources in the Angolan civil war, in: Berdal, Mats / Malone, David (eds.): Greed and grievance, Economic agendas in civil wars, Lynne Rienner, Boulder, S.157-172.

George, Edward

The Cuban intervention in Angola, 1965-1991, From Che Guevara to Cuito Canavale, Frank Cass Publications, London.

Gleijeses, Piero

Conflicting missions, Havanna, Washington, and Africa, 1959-1976, University of North-Carolina Press, Chapel Hill.

Global Witness / Partnership Canada Africa

The key to Kimberley, International diamond control, in: Journal of Peacebuilding and Development, vol. 2, no. 1, S.74-77.

Götz, Johanna

Ethnische Grenzen und Frontlinien in Angola, Rüdiger Köppe Verlag, Köln.

Guimãraes, Fernando Andresen

The origins of the Angolan civil war, Foreign intervention and domestic political conflict, Palgrave, Houndsmills.

Gutteridge, William / Spence, J.E. (eds.)

Violence in Southern Africa, Frank Cass, London.

Hart, Keith / Lewis, Joanna (eds.)

Why Angola matters, James Currey, London/Oxford.

Hansen, Art

Self-settled rural refugees in Africa, The case of Angolans in Zambian villages, in: Hansen, Art / Oliver-Smith, A. (eds.): Involuntary migration and resettlement, Westview Press, Boulder, S.13-36.
Why Angolan soldiers worry about demobilisation and reintegration, in: Black, Richard / Koser, Khalid (eds.): The end of the refugee cycle? Refugee repatriation and reconstruction, Berghahn Books, New York, S.198-209.

Heimer, Franz-Wilhelm

Der Entkolonialisierungskonflikt in Angola, Weltforum Verlag, München.

Heintze, Beatrix

Studien zur Geschichte Angolas im 16. und 17.Jahrhundert, ein Lesebuch, Rüdiger Köppe Verlag, Köln.

Heywood, Linda

UNITA and ethnic nationalism in Angola, in: Journal of Modern African Studies, vol. 27, no. 1, S.47-66.
Towards an understanding of modern political ideology in Africa, the case of Ovimbundu of Angola, in: Journal of Modern African Studies, vol. 36, no. 1, S.139-167.
Contested power in Angola, 1840s to the present, University of Rochester Press, Rochester.

Hodges, Tony

From Afro-Stalinism to Petro-Diamond capitalism, James Currey, Oxford.
Angola, Anatomy of an oil state, James Currey, Oxford.

Honwana, Alcinda

Negotiating post-war identities, Child soldiers in Mozambique and Angola, in: Codesria Bulletin, no. 1-2, S.4-13.
Children of war, Understanding war and war cleansing in Mozambique and Angola, in: Chesterman, Simon (ed.): Civilians in war, Lynne Rienner, Boulder, S.123-142.
Child soldiers in Africa, University of Pennsylvania Press, Philadelphia.

Human Rights Watch

Struggling through peace, Return and resettlement in Angola, vol. 15, no. 16, Human Rights Watch Publications, New York.
Forgotten fighters, Child soldiers in Angola, Human Rights Watch, vol. 15, no. 9, Human Rights Watch Publications, New York.
Some transparency, no accountability, The use of oil revenue in Angola and its impact on human rights, vol. 16, no. 1, Human Rights Watch Publications, New York.

International Crisis Group

Angola’s choice, Reform or regress, Africa Report, no. 61, Publication of the International Crisis Group, Brussels/New York.


Web special on violence against women and girls during and after conflict, IRIN News, New York.

Jacobson, Ruth

Gender, war, and peace in Mozambique and Angola: Advances and absences, in: Mazurana, Dyan E. / Raven-Roberts, Angela / Parpart, Jane L. (eds.): Gender, Conflict and Peacekeeping, Rowman and Littlefield Lanham, S.134-147.

James, Walter

A political history of the civil war in Angola, 1964-1990, Transaction Publishers, New Brunswick.

Jenkins, Paul

In search for the urban-rural frontline in postwar Mozambique and Angola, in: Environment and Urbanization, vol. 15, no. 1, S.121-134.

Johnson, Dominic

Warlords außer Kontrolle, Angolas andauernde Tragödie und der Krieg in der Region, in: Blätter für deutsche und internationale Politik, vol. 44, no. 3, S.336-343.

Kahn, Owen Ellison / Valenta, Jiri (eds.)

Disengagement from Southwest Africa, The prospects for peace in Angola and Namibia, Transaction Publishers, New Brunswick.

Kambwa, Augusto Eduardo / Casmirio, Daniel Mingas et al.

Angola, in: Adedeji, Adebayo (ed.): Comprehending and mastering African conflicts, The search for sustainable peace and good governance, Zed Books, London, S.55-79.

Kibble, Steve

Angola, Can the politics of disorder become the politics of democratisation and development? in: Review of African Political Economy, vol. 33, no. 109, S.525-542.

Kibble, Steve / Vines, Alex

Angola, New hopes for civil society? in: Review of African Political Economy, no. 90, S.537-547.

Klinghoffer, Arthur Jay

The Angolan war, A study in Soviet policy in the Third World, Westview Press, Boulder.

Krska, Valdimir

Peacekeeping in Angola, (UN-AVEM I und II), in: International Peacekeeping, vol. 4, no. 1, S.23-30.

Kühne, Winrich

Südafrika und seine Nachbarn, Durchbruch zum Frieden? Zur Bedeutung der Vereinbarungen mit Mozambique und Angola im Frühjahr 1984, Nomos Verlag, Baden-Baden.

Kyle, Steven

The political economy of Angolan growth, Social and regional structure, in: Review of African Political Economy, no. 104-105, S.269-293.

Lamb, Guy

Reflections on demilitarization, A Southern African perspective, in: International Peacekeeping, vol. 7, no. 3, S.120-136.
Putting belligerents in context, The case of Namibia and Angola, in: Chesterman, Simon (ed.): Civilians in war, Lynne Rienner, Boulder, 25-42.

Lari, Andrea

Returing home to a normal life? The plight of displaced Angolans, ISS paper no. 85, Pretoria.

Laudowicz, Edith

Ich werde arbeiten und kämpfen, Frauen in Angola, in: Laudowicz, Edith (Hg.): Befreites Land – befreites Leben? Frauen in Befreiungsbewegungen und Revolutionen, Pahl-Rugenstein Verlag, Köln, S.57-93.

Le Billon, Philippe

Angola’s political economy of war, The role of oil and diamonds, 1975-2000, in: African Affairs, vol. 100, S.55-80.
Thriving on war, The Angolan conflict and private business, in: Review of African Political Economy, no. 90, S.629-652.
Aid in the midst of plentey, Oil wealth, misery and advocacy in Angola, in: Disasters, 29, no. 1, S.1-25.

Lock, Peter

Angola, Frieden ohne Perspektiven, in: Medico International (Hg.): Ungeheuer ist nur das Normale, Veröffentlichungen von Medico International, Frankfurt a.M., S.62-75.

Lodico, Yvonne

A peace that fell apart, The United Nations in Angola, in: Durch, William (ed.): UN peacekeeping, American politics and the uncivil wars of the 1990s, MacMillan Publishers, Houndsmills, S.103-134.

Luansi, Lukonde

Angola, Zwischen regionaler Hegemonie und nationalem Selbstmord, Tectum Verlag, Marburg.

MacQueen, Norrie

The decolonziation of Portuguese Africa, Metropolitan revolution and the dissolution of Empire, Longman Publishers, London.
Peacekeeping by attrition, The United Nations in Angola, in: Journal of Modern African Studies, vol. 36, no. 3, S.399-422.

Mai, Vincent / Wisner, Frank

Towards an Angola strategy, Prioritizing U.S.-Angola relations, Brookings Institution, New York/Washington D.C.

Malaquias, Assis

Diamonds are guerrilla’s best friend, The impact of illicit wealth on insurgency strategy, in: Third World Quarterly, vol. 22, no. 3, S.311-325.
Making war and lots of money, The political economy of protracted conflict in Angola, in: Review of African Political Economy, no. 90, S.521-536.
Rebels and robbers, Violence in post-colonial Angola, Nordic Africa Institute, Uppsala.
Angola, How to lose a guerrilla war, in: Boas, Morten / Dunn, Kevin (eds.): African guerrillas, Raging against the machine, Lynne Rienner, Boulder, S.199-220.

Martin, James

A political history of the civil war in Angola, 1974-1990, Transaction Publishers, New Brunswick.

McFaul, Michael

Rethinking the „Reagan doctrine“ in Angola, in: International Security, vol. 14, no. 3, S.99-135.

Messiant, Christine

L’Angola dans la guerre, Ed. Karthala, Paris.
The Eduardo dos Santos Foundation, Or, how Angola’s regime is taking over civil society, in: African Affairs, 100, 399, S.287-309.
L’Angola colonial, histoire et société, Les prémisses du mouvement nationaliste, PSP Publishing Foundation, Basel.

Meyns, Peter

Vom anti-kolonialen Befreiungskampf zu externer Destabilisierung und internem Bürgerkrieg, in: Hofmeier, Rolf / Matthies, Volker (Hrsg.): Vergessene Kriege in Afrika, Lamuv Verlag, Göttingen, S.61-96.
Angola, in: Nohlen, Dieter / Nuscheler, Franz (Hrsg.): Handbuch der Dritten Welt, Bd. 5, Ostafrika und Südafrika, Dietz Verlag Nachfolger, Bonn, S.320-338.
Krieg, Machtgier, Profitsucht, Hemmnisse des Friedens in Angola, in: Augel, Johannes / Meyns, Peter (Hrsg.): Transformationsprobleme im portugiesischsprachigen Afrika, Hamburger Beiträge zur Afrika-Kunde, Nr. 66, Institut für Afrika-Kunde, Hamburg, S.109-134.
Nach Savimbis Tod, Hoffnungen auf einen dauerhaften Frieden im südlichen Afrika? in: Hofmeier, Rolf / Mehler, Andreas (Hrsg.): Afrika Jahrbuch 2002, Politik, Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft in Afrika südlich der Sahara, Institut für Afrika-Kunde, Hamburg, S.69-80.

Miller, Joseph

Nzinga of Matamba in a new perspective, in: Journal of African History, vol. 16, no. 2, S.201-216.
Way of death, Merchant capitalism and the Angolan slave trade, 1730-1830, James Currey, London/Oxford.

Mills, Greg

From confusao to estamos juntos? Bigness, development and state dysfunction in Angola, in: Clapham, Christopher / Herbst, Jeffrey / Mills, Greg (eds.): Big African states, Witwatersrand University Press, Johanesburg, S.123-154.

Minter, William

Operation timber, pages from the Savimbi dossier, Africa World Press, Trenton.
Apartheid contras, An inquiry into the roots of war in Angola and Mozambique, Zed Books, London.
From war to peace in Angola, Increasing the chances of success, in: Review of African Political Economy, no. 23, 67, S-111-118.

Muloongo, Keith / Kibasomba, Roger / Kariri, Jemima Njeri (eds.)

The many faces of human security, Case studies from seven countries in Southern Africa, ISS Publications, Pretoria.

Munslow, Barry

Angola, The politics of unsustainable development, in: Journal of Modern African Studies, vol. 36, no. 1, S.551-568.

Nesbitt, Prexy

Terminators, crusaders and gladiators, in: Review of African Political Economy, no. 43, S.111-124.

Nordstrom, Carolyn

Out of the shadows, in: Callaghy, Thomas / Kassimir, Ronald / Latham, Robert (eds.): Intervention and transnationalism in Africa, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, S.216-239.
The jagged edge of peace, The creation of culture and war orphans in Angola, in: McEvoy-Levy, Siobhán (ed.): Trouble makers or peace makers, University of Notre Dame Press, Notre Dame (Ind.), S.99-116.

O’Neill, Kathryn / Munslow, Barry

Angola, Ending the cold war in Southern Africa, in: Furley, Oliver (eds.): Conflict in Africa, Tauris Publishers, London, S.183-198.

Oliveira, Ricardo Soares de

Business success, Angola-style, Post-colonial politics and the rise of Sonangol, in: Journal of Modern African Studies, vol. 45, no. 4, S.595-619.

Organization of Angolan Women

Angolan women building the future, From national liberation to women's emancipation, Zed Books, London.

Ostheimer, Andrea

Demokratisierungsprozesse in den lusophonen Staaten Afrikas, Arbeiten aus dem Institut für Afrika-Kunde, Nr. 105, Institut für Afrika-Kunde, Hamburg.

Papp, Danmiel

The Angolan civil war and Namibia, The role of external intervention, in: Smock, David (ed.): Making war and waging peace, Foreign intervention in Africa, United States of Peace Press, Washington D.C., S.161-196.

Parsons, Imogen

Youth, conflict and identity, Political mobilisation and subjection in Angola, in: McIntyre, Angela (ed.): Invisible stakeholders, Children and war in Africa, ISS Publications, Pretoria, S.45-66.

Pazzanita, Anthony

The conflict resolution process in Angola, in: Journal of Modern African Studies, vol. 29, no. 1, S.83-114.

Pearce, Justin

An outbreak of peace, Angola’s situation of confusion, David Philip, Cape Town.

Pereira, Anthony

The neglected tragedy, The return to war in Angola, 1992-1993, in: Journal of Modern African Studies, vol. 32, no. 1, S.1-28.

Porto, Gomes João / Parson, Imogen

Sustaining the peace in Angola, ISS Study Monograph Series, no. 83, Publications of the Institute of Security Studies, Pretoria.

Pössinger, Hermann

Angola – ein Neuanfang? in: Meyns, Peter (Hg.): Demokratie und Strukturreformen im portugiesischsprachigen Afrika, Die Suche nach einem Neuanfang, Freiburger Beiträge zu Entwicklung und Politik, 9, Arnold Bergstraesser Institut, Freiburg, S.97-117.

Power, Marcus

Patrimonialism and petro-diamond capitalism, Peace, geopolitics and the economics of war in Angola, in: Review of African Political Economy, no. 90, S.489-502.

Powles, Julia

Refugee voices: Home and homelessness: The life history os Susanna Mwana-uta, an Angolan refugee, in: Journal of Refugee Studies, vol. 15, S.81-101.

Pycroft, Christopher

Angola – ‘The forgotten tragedy’, in: Journal of Southern African Studies, vol. 20, no. 2, S.241-262.

Robson, Paul

Communities and reconstruction in Angola, Development Workshop, Occasional Paper no. 1, IDRC/ARDA, Guelp/ Montreal / Luanda.

Robson, Paul / Roque, Sandra

‘Here in the city, Everything has to be paid for’, Locating the community in peri-urban Angola, in: Review of African Political Economy, no. 90, S.619-628.

Rodrigues, Udelsmann Cristina

From family solidarity to social classes, Urban stratification in Angola (Luanda and Ondjiva), in: Journal of Southern African Studies, vol. 33, no. 2, S.235-250.

Scott, Catherine

„Men in our country behave like chiefs”, Women and the Angolan revolution, in: Tétreault, Mary Ann (ed.): Women and the revolution in Africa, Asia and the New World, University of California Press, Columbia, S.89-109.
Contradictions in the challenges to dependency: The roots of counter-revolution in Southern Africa, in: Scott, Catherine V. (ed.): Gender and development: Rethinking modernizaton and dependency theory, Lynne Rienner, Boulder/London, S.105-119.

Seleti, Yonah

Scars of war and dyning children, Challenges of transition to democracy in Angola, in: Hyslop, Jonathan (ed.): African democracy in the era of globalisation, Witwatersrand University Press, Johannesburg, S.314-339.

Shaw, Timothy

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