
Literatur zum Thema Gender

Bailliet, Cecilia

Examining sexual violence in the military within the context of Eritrean asylum claims presented in Norway, in: International Journal of Refugee Law, 19, S.471-510.

Berhe, T.

War and prevalence, Evidence from Tigray, Ethiopia, in: African Security Review, vol. 14, no. 3, S.107-114.

Blanc, Ann

The role of conflict in the rapid fertility decline in Eritrea and prospects for the future, in: Studies in Family Planning, vol. 353, pp. 236-245.

Bruchhaus, Eva-Maria / Mehreteab, Amanuel

`Leaving the warm house´, The impact of demobilisation in Eritrea, in: Kingma, Kees (ed.): Demobilisation in Sub-Saharan Africa, The development and security impacts, MacMillan Publishers, Houndsmills, Basingstoke, S.95-131.

Burgess, Doris

Women and war: Eritrea, in: Review of African Political Economy, no. 45/46, S.126-132.

Campbell, Patricia

Gender and post-conflict civil society in Eritrea, in: International Feminist Journal of Politics, vol. 7, pp. 377-399.

Christman, Stefanie

Die Freiheit haben wir nicht von den Männern, Frauen in Eritrea, Horleman Verlag, Bad Honnef.

Colijn, Inge

Eritrean refugee women in eastern Sudan: Changes in roles and responsibilities, and the consequences, in: VENA Newsletter vol. 2, no. 2, pp.23-27.

Cowan, Nicole Ann

Women in Eritea, An eye-witness account, in: Review of African Political Economy, no. 27-28, S.143-152.
Women’s movement in Eritrea, in: Review of African Political Economy, no. 27-38, S.152-155.

Eikenberg, Kathrin

Frauen in Eritrea, Zur Frauenpolitik der EPLF, Institut für Afrika-Kunde, Hamburg.

Hale, Sondra

Liberated but not free, Women in post-conflict Eritrea, in: Meintjes, Sheila / Pillay, Anu / Turshen, Meredeth (eds.): The aftermath, Women in post-conflict transformation, Zed Books, London, S.122-141.
The soldier and the state, Post-Liberation women: The case of Eritrea, in: Waller, Marguerite / Rycenga, Jennifer (eds.): Frontline feminsms, women, war and resistance, Garland Publishing, New York.

Israel, Mark / Lyons, Tanya / Mason, C.

Women, resistance and Africa: Armed struggles in Zimbabwe, South Africa and Eritrea, in: Humanity and Society, vol. 26, no. 3, pp. 196-213.

Kibreab, Gaim

Eritrean women refugees in Khartoum, Sudan, 1970-1990, in: Journal of Refugee Studies, vol. 8, no. 1, S.1-25.
Rethinking household headship among Eritrean refugees and returnees, in: Development and Change, vol. 34, no. 2, S.311-337.

Klingebiel, Stephan / Gärke, Inge / Kreidler, Corinna et al.

Promoting the reintegration of former female and male combatants in Eritrea, Possible contributions of development co-operation to the reintegration programme, Deutsches Institut für Entwicklungspolitik, Reports and Working Papers, 6, Bonn.

Koenig, Angela

Überleben in Gewaltverhältnissen, Zur Situation eritreischer und äthiopischer Flüchtlingsfrauen, in: Donner-Reichle, Carola / Klemp, Ludgera (Hrsg.): Frauenwort für Menschenrechte, Breitenbach Verlag, Saarbrücken, S.141-169.

LaDuke, Betty

Eritrea: Artisits/fighters with new visions, in: LaDuke, Betty. Africa: Women's art, Women lives, Africa World Press, Trenton, pp. 147-187.

Leisure, Susan

Exchanging participation for promises: Mobilization of women in Eritrea, in: Bystydzienski, Jill M. and Sekhon, Joti (eds.): Democratization and women's Grassroots movements, Indiana University Press, Bloomington, S.95-109.

Lindstrom, D. / Berhanu, Betemariam

The impact of war, famine and economic decline on marital fertility in Ethiopia, in: Demography, vol. 36, no. 2, S.247-326.

Lochen-Tschhofen, Doris

Die eritreischen Frauen, Zärtlichkeit im Überlebenskampf, in: Furrer-Kreski, Elisabeth et al. (Hg.): Handbuch Eritrea, Geschichte und Gegenwart eines Konfliktes, Zürich, S.69-98.

MacKay, Angela

Mainstreaming gender in United Nations peacekeeping training, Examples from East Timor, Ethiopia, and Eritrea, in: Mazurana, Dyan E. / Raven-Roberts, Angela / Parpart, Jane L. (eds.): Gender, conflict and peacekeeping, Rowman and Littlefield, Lanham, S.265-279.

Mama, Amina

The need for gender analysis, A comment on the prospects for peace, recovery and development in the Horn of Africa, in: Doornbos, M. / Cliffe, L. / Ahmed, A.G.M. / Markakis, J. (eds.): Beyond conflict in the horn, Africa World Press, Trenton, S.72-78.

Mariam, Yeshi

Ethiopian women in the period of socialist transformation, in: Economic and Political Weekly, vol. 29, pp. WS57-62.

Mason, Christine

Gender, nationalism and revolution: Reassessing women's relationships with the Eritrean Liberation Front, Working Paper no. 274, Women and International Development, Michigan State University, East Lansing.

Matsuoka, Atsuko / Sorenson, John

Eritrean Canadian refugee households as sites of gender renegotiation, in: Indra, D. (ed.): Engendering forced migration, Theory and practice, Berg Publishers, Oxford, S.218-241.
Eritrean women in Canada, Negotiating new lives, in: Candian Journal of Women`s Studies, vol. 19, no. 3, S.104-109.

Matzke, Christine

Of Suwa and singing contests, Eerly urban women performers in Asmara, Eritrea, in: Banham, Martin / Gibbs, James / Osofisan, Femi (eds.): African theatre, Women, James Currey, London, S.29-46.
Comrades in arts and arms, Stories of war and watercolours from Eritrea, in: Matatu, no. 25-26, S.21-54.
Engendering theatre in Eritrea: The roles and representations of women in the performing arts, Bruchhaus, Eva-Marie (ed.): Hot spot Horn of Africa, Between integration and disintegration, Lit-Verlag, Munster/Berlin.

Mc Spadden, J.

Negotiating masculinity in the reconstrution of social space, Eritrean and Ethiopian refugees in the United States and Sweden, in: Indra, D. (ed.): Engendering forced migration, Theory and practice, Berg Publishers, Oxford, S.242-260.

Moussa, Helene

Caught between two worlds, Eritrean women refugees and voluntary repatriation, in: Sorenson, John (ed.): Disaster and development in the Horn of Africa, St. Martin`s Press, New York, S.208-227.

Ntombizozuko, Dyani

Protocol on the rights of women in Africa, Protection from sexual violence during armed conflict, in: African Journal of Human Rights.

Nusad, Mary

We are war’s natural enemies, in: VENA Newsletter vol. 2, no. 2, pp.28-31.

Odede, Rachel / Asghedom, Eden

The continuum of violence against women in Eritrea, in: Development, vol. 44, no. 3, S.69-73.

Ondeko, Roselidah / Purdin, Susan

Understanding the causes of gender-based violence, in: Forced Migration Review, vol. 19, S.30-31.

Oku Bright, Nancee

Mothers of steel, The women of Um Garur, An Eritrean refugee settlement in Sudan, Africa World Press, Trenton.

Pankhurst, Helen

Gender and conflict, Case study on Eritrean fighters, unpublished paper, ACORD, London.

Schamaneck, Claudia

Eritrea: Wie ich zum Krieg kam, Reise in eine ungeliebte Realität, in: Frauensolidarität, Nr. 24, S.2-6.
Begegnungen: Seit wir bereit sind, zu sterben, denken wir nicht mehr an das Kinderkriegen, in: Frauensolidarität, Nr. 24, S.7-11.
Frauenemanzipation in revolutionären und militärischen Kontexten, Aspekte der Geschlechterverhältnisse am Beispiel eritreischer EPLF-Kämpferinnen, Beiträge zur Afrikanistik, 61, Wien.

Schuckar, Monika

Lebensbedingungen, Widerstand und Verfolgung von Frauen vor dem Hintergrund des eritreischen Unabhängigkeitskampfes, Berliner Institut für vergleichende Sozialforschung, Berlin.

Selassie, Wubnesh

The changing position of Eritrean women: An overview of women’s participation in the EPLF, in: Doonbos, Martin / Cliffe, Lionel / Ahmed, Abdel Ghaffar (eds.): Beyond conflict in the Horn, Red Sea Press, Trenton, S.67-71.

Silkin, T.

Eritrea, Women in the struggle, in: Third World Quarterly, vol. 5, no. 4, S.909-914.
Women can only be free when the power of the kin groups in smashed, New marriage laws and social change in liberated zones in Eritrea, in: International Journal of the Sociology of Law, vol. 17, S.147-163.

Sorensen, John

Eritrean women, Dual struggle in the Horn of Africa, in: Canadian Women’s Studies, vol. 9, S.96-110.

Tseggai, Araia

Eritrean women and Italian soldiers, Status of Eritrean women under Italian rule, in: Journal of Eritrean Studies, vol. vi, no. 1-2, pp.7-12.

Volker-Saad, Kerstin

Zivilistinnen und Kämpferinnen in Eritrea, Berliner Beiträge zur Ethnologie, Bd. 7, Weißensee Verlag, Berlin.
Eritrea und der Krieg, Frauen im Spannungsfeld zwischen traditionellen Kompetenzen und militärischer Notwendigkeit, in: Dilger, Hansjörg / Wolf, Angelika / Frömming, Urte Undine / Volker-Saad, Kerstin (Hg.): Moderne und postkoloniale Transformation, Weißensee-Verlag, Berlin, S.114-127.

Wilson, Amrit

Women and the Eritrean revolution, The challenge road, The Read Sea Press, London.

Zimprich, Elke

Ex-Kombatantinnen - Erfahrungen mit der Reintegration in Äthiopien, Eritrea und Uganda, in: EPD-Entwicklungspolitik, 3, S.R-X.
Reintegration von Ex-Kämpferinnen in Eritrea, Eine gender-spezifische Studie in friedens- und entwicklungspolitischer Perspektive, Veröffentlichungen aus dem Institut für Afrika-Kunde, Hamburg.


Abbay, Alemseged

Identity jilted or re-imagining identity? The divergent paths of the Eritrean and Tigrayan nationalist struggles, The Red Sea Press, Lawrenceville.

Abbink, Jon

Briefing, The Eritrean-Ethiopian border dispute, in: African Affairs, no. 97, S.551-565.

Ager, Alastair / Strang, Alison / Abebe, Behailu

Conceptualizing community development in war-affected populations, Illustrations from Tigray, in: Community Development Journal, 40, 2, S.158-168.

Allen, Tim (ed.)

In search for cool ground, War, fighting and homecomming in North-East Africa, James Currey, Oxford/London.

Bailliet, Cecilia

Examining sexual violence in the military within the context of Eritrean asylum claims presented in Norway, in: International Journal of Refugee Law, 19, S.471-510.

Bariagaber, Assefaw

The politics of cultural pluralism in Ethiopia and Eritrea, Trajectories of ethnicity and constitional experiments, in: Ethnic and Racial Studies, vol. 21, no. 6, S.1057-1073.
States, international organisations and refugees, Reflections on the complexity of managing the refugee crisis in the Horn of Africa, in: Journal of Modern African Studies, vol. 37, no. 4, S.597-619.
The refugee experience, Understanding the dynamics of refugee repatriation in Eritrea, in: Journal of Third World Studies, vol. 18, no. 2, S.47-70.
Conflict and refugee experience, Flight, exile, and repatriation in the Horn of Africa, Ashgate Publishing, Aldershot.

Bascom, Jonathan

The long, ‘last step’? Reintegration of repatriates in Eritrea, in: Journal of Refugee Studies, vol. 18, S.165-180.

Bekoe, Dorina (ed.)

East Africa and the Horn, Confronting challenges of good governance, United States of America Press, Lanham.

Bereketeab, Redie

Perilous dualism, Language, religion and identity in polyethnic Eritrea, in: Englund, Harrie / Nyamnjoh, Francis (eds.): Rights and politics of recognition in Africa, Zed Books, London, S.219-236.
When success becomes a liability, Challenges of state building in Eritrea, 1991-2005, in: African and Asian Studies, vol. 6, no. 4, S.395-430.

Bernal, V.

Equality to die for? Women guerrilla fighters and Eritrea’s cultural revolution, in: Polar, 23, S.61-76.

Blanc, Ann

The role of conflict in the rapid fertility decline in Eritrea and prospects for the future, in: Studies in Family Planning, vol. 353, S. 236-245.

Brown, Neil / Riordan, Sean / Sharpe, Marina

The Insecurity of Eritreans and Ethiopians in Cairo, in: International Journal of Refugee Law, 16, S.661-701.

Bruchhaus, Eva-Maria / Mehreteab, Amanuel

`Leaving the warm house´, The impact of demobilisation in Eritrea, in: Kingma, Kees (ed.): Demobilisation in Sub-Saharan Africa, The development and security impacts, MacMillan Publishers, Houndsmills, Basingstoke, S.95-131.

Bruchhaus, Eva-Maria / Kreidler, Corinna / Schütte, Haja

„Oh Du Löwe, wohin jetzt?“ Demobilisierung und Reintegration in Eritrea, in: Afrika Spectrum, vol. 30, S.177-193.

Bruchhaus, Eva-Maria (ed.)

Hot spot Horn of Africa, Between integration and disintegration, Lit-Verlag, Münster.

Burgess, Doris

Women and war: Eritrea, in: Review of African Political Economy, no. 45/46, S.126-132.

Campbell, Patricia

Gender and post-conflict civil society in Eritrea, in: International Feminist Journal of Politics, vol. 7, S.377-399.

Christmann, Stefanie

Die Freiheit haben wir nicht von den Männern, Frauen in Eritrea, Horleman Verlag, Bad Honnef.
Machterhalt und Demokratie in Eritrea, in: Aus Politik und Zeitgeschichte, 21, S.16-26.

Clapham, Christopher

The Horn of Africa, A conflict zone, in: Furley, Oliver (ed.): Conflict in Africa, Tauris Academic Publishers, London, S.72-91.
Ethiopia and Eritrea, The politics of post-insurgency, in: Wiseman, John (ed.): Democracy and political change in Sub-Saharan Africa, Routledge, London, S.116-136.
Boundary and territory in the Horn of Africa, in: Nugent, Paul / Asiwaju, A.I. (eds.): African boundaries, Barriers, conduits and opportunities, Pinter Press, London, S.237-249.

Cliffe, Lionel

The impact of war and the response to it in different agrarian systems in Eritrea, in: Development and Change, vol. 20, S.373-400.
The impact of war on food security in Eritrea, Prospects and recovery, in: Macrae, Joanna / Zwi, Anthony (eds.): War and hunger, rethinking international response to complex emergencies, Zed Books, London, S.160-179.
Regional dimensions of conflict in the Horn of Africa, in: Third World Quarterly, vol. 20, no. 1, S.89-111.

Cliffe, Lionel / Davidson, Basil (eds.)

The long struggle of Eritrea for independence and constructive peace, The Red Sea Press, Trenton.

Colijn, Inge

Eritrean refugee women in eastern Sudan: Changes in roles and responsibilities, and the consequences, in: VENA Newsletter vol. 2, no. 2, S.23-27.

Connell, Dan

Against all odds, A chronicle of the Eritrean revolution, The Red Sea Press, Lawrenceville.
After the shooting stops, Revolution in post-war Eritrea, in: Race and Class, 38, S.57-78.
Strategies for change, Women and politics in Eritrea and South Africa, in. Fox, Diana / Hasci, Naima (eds.): The challenges of women’s activism and human rights in Africa, Edwin Mellen Press, Lewiston, S.214-248.
Eritrea, On a slow fuse, in: Rotberg, Robert (ed.): Battling terrorism in the Horn of Africa, Publications of the Brookings Institution Press, Washington D.C., S.64-92.
Redeming the failed promise of democracy in Eritrea, in: Race and Class, vol. 46, no. 4, S.68-89.

Conrad, Bettina

Out of the ‘memory hole’, Alternative narratives of the Eritrean revolution in the diaspora, in: Africa Spectrum, 41, 2, S.249-271.

Cowan, Nicole

Women in Eritrea, An eye-witness account, in: Review of African Political Economy, no. 27-28, S.143-152.

Davidson, Basil / Cliffe, Lionell (eds.)

Eritrea, The long road to independence, The Red Sea Press, Lawrenceville.

Dines, Mary

Ethiopian violations of human rights in Eritrea, in: Cliffe, Lionel / Davidson, Basil (esd.): The long struggle of Eritrea for independence and constructive peace, The Red Sea Press, Trenton, S.139-162.

Doornbos, Martin / Tesfai, Alemseged (eds.)

Post-conflict Eritrea, Prospects for reconstruction and development, The Red Sea Press, Lawrenceville.

Doornboos, Martin / Cliffe, Lionel et al.

Beyond conflict in the Horn, Prospects for peace, recovery and development in Ethiopia, Somalia and the Sudan, The Red Sea Press, Lawrenceville.

Dorman, Sara Rich

Past the Kalashnikov, Youth, politics and the state in Eritrea, in: Abbink, Jon / van Kessel, Ineke (eds.): Vanguards or vandals, Youth, politics and conflict in Africa, Brill Publishers, Leiden, S.189-222.

Eikenberg, K.

Nachkriegsentwicklungen am Horn von Afrika, Eritrea, Äthiopien und Somaliland, in: Matthies, Volker (Hg.): Vom Krieg zum Frieden, Kriegsbeendigung und Friedenskonsolidierung, Edition Temmen, Bremen, S.249-279.

Elliesie, Hatem

Dezentralisierung des Hochschulwesens in Eritrea, Militärische Grundausbildung als conditio sine qua non für höhere Bildung? – eine bedenkliche Entwicklung!, in: Afrika Spectrum, 43, 1, S.115-120.

Entner, Michaela

Der eriträisch-äthiopische Krieg, Freiburg i.Br.

Farwell, Nancy

‘Onward through strength’, Coping and psychosocial support among refugee youth returning to Eritrea from Sudan, in: Journal of Refugee Studies, vol. 14, S.43-69.

Favali, Lyda / Pateman, Roy

Blood, land, and sex, Legal and political pluralism in Eritrea, Indiana University Press, Bloomington.

Firebrace, J. / Holland, S.

Never kneel down, Drought, development and liberation in Eritrea, Red Sea Press, Trenton.

Frankland, Erich / Noble, Tammy

A casee of national liberation with feminist undertones, The secession of Eritrea, in: Small Arms and Insurgencies, vol. 7, S.401-424.

Fukui, Katsuyoshi / Markakis, John (eds.)

Ethnicity and conflict in the Horn of Africa, James Currey, London.

Fullerton-Joireman, S.

The minefield of land reform, Comments on the Eritrean land proclamation, in: African Affairs, vol. 95, S.269-285.

Garcetti, Eric / Gruber, Janet

The post-war nation, Rethinking the triple transition in Eritrea, in: Pugh, Michael (ed.): Regeneration of war-torn societies, St. Martin’s Press, New York, S.215-237.

Gebremedhin, Jordan

Peasants and nationalism in Eritrea, A critique of Ethiopian Studies, The Red Sea Press, Trenton.

Gebremedhin, Tesfa

Women, tradition and development, The Eritrean case, The Red Sea Press, Trenton.

Gottesman, L.

To fight and learn, The praxis and promise of literacy in Eritrea’s independence war, Red Sea Press, Lawrenceville.

Gray, Christine

The Eritrea/Ethiopia claims commission oversteps its boundaries, A partial award? in: European Journal of International Law, 17, 4, S.699-721.

Green, C. / Baden, S.

Gender profile of the state of Eritea, Briefings on Development and Gender, Bridge, 22, Institute of Development Studies, University of Sussex, Brighton.

Gruber, J.

Silent survivors of sexual violence in conflict and implications for HIV mitigation, Experiences from Eritrea, in: African Journal of AIDS Research, 4, 2.

Hale, Sondra

The soldier and the state, Post-Liberation women: The case of Eritrea, in: Waller, Marguerite / Rycenga, Jennifer (eds.): Frontline feminsms, women, war and resistance, Garland Publishing, New York, S.349-370.
Liberated but not free, Women in post-conflict Eritrea, in: Meintjes, Sheila / Pillay, Anu / Turshen, Meredeth (eds.): The aftermath, Women in post-conflict transformation, Zed Books, London, S.122-141.

Hartmann, Rainer / Meier, Thorsten

Ohne Rücksicht auf Verluste, Der Krieg zwischen Äthiopien und Eritrea droht beide Länder zu ruinieren, in: Der Überblick, 35. Jg., 1, S.80-82.

Hedru, Debessay

Eritrea, Transition to dictatorship, 1991-2003, in: Review of African Political Economy, 97, S.435-444.

Hirt, Nicole

Eritrea zwischen Krieg und Frieden, Die Entwicklung seit der Unabhängigkeit, Hamburger Beiträge zur Afrika-Kunde, Institut für Afrika-Kunde, Hamburg.

Iliffe, John

Honour in African history, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge.

International Crisis Group

Ethiopia and Eritrea, Preventing war, Africa Report no. 101, Publication of the International Crisis Group, Brussels/New York.

Israel, Mark / Lyons, Tanya / Mason, C.

Women, resistance and Africa: Armed struggles in Zimbabwe, South Africa and Eritrea, in: Humanity and Society, vol. 26, no. 3, S.196-213.

Iyob, Ruth

The Eritrean experiment, A cautious pragmatism, in: Journal of Modern African Studies, vol. 35, S.647-673.
The Ethiopian-Eritrean conflict, Diasporic versus hegemonic states in the Horn of Africa, 1991-2000, in: Journal of Modern African Studies, vol. 38, no. 4, S.659-682.
The Eritrean struggle for independence, Domination, resistance, nationalism, 1941-1993, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge.

Jacquin-Berdal, Dominique (ed.)

Unfinished business, Ethiopia and Eritrea at war, The Red Sea Press, Lawrenceville.

Jacquin-Berdal, Dominique / Mengistu, Aida

Nationalism and identity in Ethiopia and Eritrea, Building multi-ethnic states, in: Bekoe, Dorina (ed.): East Africa and the Horn, Confronting challenges to good governance, Lynne Rienner Publishers, Boulder, S.81-100.

Kemink, Friederike

Die Tegrenna-Frauen in Eritrea, Eine Untersuchung der Kodizes des Gewohnheitsrechtes 1890-1941, Steiner Verlag, Wiesbaden.

Kibreab, Gaim

Refugees and development in Africa, The Eritrean case, The Red Sea Press, Lawrenceville.
Eritrean women refugees in Khartoum, Sudan, 1970-1990, in: Journal of Refugee Studies, vol. 8, no. 1, S.1-25.
Left in limbo, Prospects for repatriation of Eritrean refugess from the Sudan and response of the international donor community, in: Allen, Tim (ed.): In search for cool ground, War, flight and homecoming in Northeast Africa, James Currey, London, S.53-65.
Eritrean and Ethiopian refugees in Khartoum, What the eye refuses to see, in: African Studies Review, vol. 39, no. 3, S.131-178.
When refugees come home, The relationship between stayees and returnees in post-conflict Eritrea, in. Journal of Contemporary African Studies, vol. 20, no. 1, S.53-80.
Rethinking household headship among Eritrean refugees and returnees, in: Development and Change, vol. 34, no. 2, S.311-337.
Critical reflections on the Eritrean war of independence, Red Sea Press, Lawrenceville.

Klein, Axel

Why? The Eritrean-Ethiopian conflict, in: Review of African Political Economy, vol. 25, no. 77, S.508-526.

Klingebiel, Stephan / Gärke, Inge / Kreidler, Corinna et al.

Promoting the reintegration of former female and male combatants in Eritrea, Possible contributions of development co-operation to the reintegration programme, Deutsches Institut für Entwicklungspolitik, Reports and Working Papers, 6, Bonn.

Koenig, Angela

Überleben in Gewaltverhältnissen, Zur Situation eritreischer und äthiopischer Flüchtlingsfrauen, in: Donner-Reichle, Carola / Klemp, Ludgera (Hrsg.): Frauenwort für Menschenrechte, Breitenbach Verlag, Saarbrücken, S.141-169.

Kurimoto, E. / Simonse, S. (eds.)

Conflict, age and power in North East Africa, James Currey, London.

LaDuke, Betty

Eritrea: Artisits/fighters with new visions, in: LaDuke, Betty. Africa: Women's art, Women lives, Africa World Press, Trenton, S.147-187.

Lata, Leenco

The Ethiopia-Eritrea war, in: Boulden, Jane (ed.): Dealing with conflict in Africa, The United Nations and regional organizations, Palgrave, New York, S.153-184.

Leisure, Susan

Exchanging participation for promises: Mobilization of women in Eritrea, in: Bystydzienski, Jill M. and Sekhon, Joti (eds.): Democratization and women’s grassroots movements, Indiana University Press, Bloomington, S.95-109.

Locher-Tschofen, Doris

Die eritreischen Frauen, Zärtlichkeit im Überlebenskampf, in: Furrer-Kreski, Elisabeth et al. (Hg.): Handbuch Eritrea, Geschichte und Gegenwart eines Konfliktes, Rio Verlag, Zürich, S.69-98.

Luckham, R.

Radical soldiers, new model armies and the nation-state in Ethiopia and Eritrea, in: Koonings, K. / Kruijt, D. (eds.): Political armies, The military and nation building in the age of democracy, Zed Books, London, S.238-269.

Lyons, Terrence

The international context of internal war, Ethiopia/Eritera, in: Keller, Edmond / Rothchild, Donald (eds.): Africa in the new international order, Rethinking state sovereignty and regional security, Lynne Rienner Publishers, Boulder, S.85-99.

MacKay, Angela

Mainstreaming gender in United Nations peacekeeping training, Examples from East Timor, Ethiopia, and Eritrea, in: Mazurana, Dyan E. / Raven-Roberts, Angela / Parpart, Jane L. (eds.): Gender, conflict and peacekeeping, Rowman and Littlefield, Lanham, S.265-279.

Mama, Amina

The need for gender analysis, A comment on the prospects for peace, recovery and development in the Horn of Africa, in: Doornbos, M. / Cliffe, L. / Ahmed, A.G.M. / Markakis, J. (eds.): Beyond conflict in the Horn, Africa World Press, Trenton, S.72-78.

Markakis, John (ed.):

Conflict and decline of pastoralism in the Horn of Africa, MacMillan Publishers, Houndsmills, Basingstoke.

Marcus, R.

Eritrea, in: Bryne, B. / Marcus, R. / Power-Stevens, T. (eds.): Gender, conflict and development, Institute of Development Studies, University of Sussex, Brighton, S.128-148.

Marx, Christoph

Geschichte Afrikas, Von 1800 bis zur Gegenwart, Schönigh Verlag, Paderborn.

Mason, Christine

Gender, nationalism and revolution: Reassessing women's relationships with the Eritrean Liberation Front, Working Paper no. 274, Women and International Development, Michigan State University, East Lansing.

Matthies, Volker

Der Eritrea-Konflikt, ein „vergessener Krieg“ am Horn von Afrika, Arbeiten aus dem Institut für Afrika-Kunde, 34, Institut für Afrika-Kunde, Hamburg.
Horn von Afrika, (Äthiopien/Eritrea, Somalia), Krieg und Dürre, Frieden und Milch, in: Hofmeier, Rolf / Matthies, Volker (Hrsg.): Vergessene Kriege in Afrika, Lamuv Verlag, Göttingen, S.173-214.
Die UNO am Horn von Afrika, Die Missionen in Somalia (UNOSOM I, UNITAF, UNOSOM II) und in Äthiopien/Eritrea (UNMEE), in: Schorlemer, Sabine von (Hg.): Praxishandbuch UNO, Die Vereinten Nationen im Lichte globaler Herausforderungen, Springer Verlag, Berlin, S.41-63.
Gewaltkonflikte und Friedensmöglichkeiten am Horn von Afrika, in: Hessische Stiftung Friedens- und Konfliktforschung (Hg.): Friedensgutachten 2007, Lit-Verlag, Münster, S.285-296.

Matsuoka, Atsuko / Sorenson, John

Eritrean women in Canada, Negotiating new lives, in: Candian Journal of Women`s Studies, vol. 19, no. 3, S.104-109.
Ghosts and shadows, Construction of community and identity in an African diaspora, Toronto University Press, Toronto.

Matzke, Christine

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