Gender and wars in Africa – Overviews

Apeadu, Nana

An ignored population: Female-headed households among refugees in Africa, in: Mencher, Joan P. / Okongwu, Anne (eds.): Where did all the men go? Female-headed/female-supported households in cross-cultural perspective, Westview Press, Boulder, pp. 171-191.

Barker, G. / Ricardo, C.

Young men and the construction of masculinity in Sub-Saharan Africa, Implications for HIV/AIDS, conflict and violence, Social Development Papers: Conflict, Prevention and Reconstruction, no. 26, The World Bank, Washington D.C.

Bennett, Olivia / Bexley, Jo / Warnock, Kitty (eds.)

Arms to fight, arms to protect, women speak out about conflict, Panos, London.

Bouta, Tsjeard / Frerks, Georg / Hughes, Bib

Gender and peacemaking in the Westafrican context, Netherlands Institute of International Relations, ‘Clingendael’, Conflict Research Unit, The Hague.

Brittain, Victoria

Women and war in crisis zones, One key to Africa’s wars of underdevelopment, Working Paper, London School of Economics, Development Research Centre, London.

Das, Veena / Kleinman, Arthur / Ramphele, Mamphela / Reynolds, Pamela et al. (eds.)

Remaking a world, Violence, social suffering, and recovery, University of California Press, Berkeley.

El-Bushra, Judy

Transforming conflict, Some thoughts on a gendered understanding of conflict processes, in: Jacobs, Susie / Jacobson, Ruth / Marchbank, Jen (eds.): States of conflict, Gender, violence and resistance, Zed Books, London, S.66-86.
Fused in combat, Gender relations and armed conflict, in: Development in Practice, vol. 13, no. 2-3, S.252-265.

El-Bushra, Judy / El-Karib, Asha / Hadjipateras, Angela

Gender sensitive programme design and planning in conflict affected situations, Research Report, Acord, London.

El-Bushra, Judy / Mukarubuga, Cécile

Women, war and transition, in: Gender and Development, vol. 3, no. 3, S.16-22.

El-Bushra, Judy / Pisa-Lopez, Eugenia

Gender, war and food, in: Macrae, Joanna / Zwi, Anthony (eds.): War and hunger, rethinking international response to complex emergencies, Zed Books, London, S.180-193.

El-Bushra, Judy / Sahl, Ibrahim

Cycles of violence, Gender relations and armed conflict, ACORD Publications, London.

Farr, Vanessa

‘The pain of violence is a powerful silencer’, African women writing about conflict, in: Canadian Journal of Women`s Studies, vol. 19, S.102-107.

Graybill, Lyn

Peacekeepers in Africa and gender violence,SSRC.

Higate, Paul

Men, masculinities and peacekeeping in Sub-Saharan Africa, in: Karamé, Kari (ed.): Gender and peacebuilding in Africa, Training for Peace Programme, Norsk Utenrikspolitisk Institutt, Oslo, S.67-90.

Higate, Paul / Henry, Marsha

Engendering (in)security in peace support operations, in: Security Dialogue, vol. 35, no. 4, S.481-498.

Hudson, Heidi

Gender and the globalisation of violence, The treacherous terrain of privatised peacekeeping, in: Agenda, no. 59, S.42-55.
Peacekeeping trends and their gender implications for regional peacekeeping forces in Africa, Progress and challenges, in: Mazurana, Dyan E. / Raven-Roberts, Angela / Parpart, Jane L. (eds.): Gender, Conflict and Peacekeeping, Rowman and Littlefield Lanham, S.111-133.


Violence against girls in Africa, Girls vulnerability to violence during armed conflict and crisis, written by Florence Tercier Holst-Roness, ICRC Publications, Geneva.

International Alert (IA) / AWORD

Report on the workshop on conflict transformation in Africa, African women’s perspective, IA/AWORD, London.

International Crisis Group

Beyond victimhood, Women’s peacebuilding in Sudan, Congo and Uganda, Africa Report, no. 112, International Crisis Group, Nairobi/Brussels.

Jacobs, Susie / Jacobson, Ruth / Marchbank, Jen (eds.)

States in conflict, Gender violence and resistance, Zed Books, London.

Lamphear, John

Brothers in arms, Military aspects of East African age-class systems in historical perspective, in: Kurimoto, Eisei / Simonse, Simon (eds.): Conflict, age and power in North-East Africa, Age systems in transtition, James Currey, Oxford, S.79-97.

Lazarus, Alison

African and feminist approaches to peace education, Meeting on the margins, in: Conflict Prevention Newsletter, vol. 3, no. 2, S.10-12.

Karamé, Kari

Gender and peacebuilding in Africa, Training for Peace Programme, Norsk Utenrikspolitisk Institutt, Oslo.

Kumar, Krishna (ed.)

Women and civil war - Impact, organisations, and action, Lynne Rienner, Boulder.

MacDonald P. / Ardener, A. (eds.)

Images of women in peace and war: Cross-cultural perspectives, London.

Maloba, Wunyabari

African women in revolution, Africa World Press, Trenton.

Maß, Sandra

Weiße Helden, schwarze Krieger, Zur Geschichte kolonialer Männlichkeit in Deutschland, 1918-1964, Böhlau Verlag, Hamburg.

Mbou, Fatou / Webb, Douglas

HIV/AIDS affected children in conflict settings and parliamentarian inaction, in: Conflict Trends, vol. 1, S.48-54.

McKay, Susan / Mazurana, Dyan

Where are the girls? Girls in fighting forces in Northern Uganda, Sierra Leone and Mozambique, Their lives during and after war, Publications of the International Centre for Human Rights and Democratic Development, Montreal.

Meintjes, Sheila / Pillay, Anu / Turshen, Meredeth (eds.)

The aftermath, Women in post-conflict transformation, Zed Books, London

Moothoo-Padayachie, Nitasha

Women at the peace table, in: Agenda, no. 59, S.56-58.

Moser, Caroline / Clark, Fiona (eds.)

Victims, perpetrators or actors? Gender, armed conflict and political violence, Zed Books, London

Muthien, Bernedette

Human security paradigms through a gendered lens, in: Agenda, no. 43, S.46-56.

Ocaya-Lakidi, Dent

Manhood, warriorhood and sex in Eastern Africa, in: Journal of Asian and African Studies, S.134.-165.

Oloka-Onyango, J.

The plight of the larger half, Human rights, gender violence and the legal status of refugee and internally displaced women in Africa, in: The Denver Journal of International Law and Policy, vol. 24, no. 2-3, S.349-394.

Omarjee, Nadia / Lau, Ursula

Conflicts in Africa, Intersectionality of gender based violence and HIV/AIDS, POWA, Johannesburg.

Onyinye Nkechi

Civilian protection in African peacekeeping, A gender perspective, in: Conflict Trends, 4, S.16-22.

Sideris, Tina

Rape in war and peace, some thoughts on social contexts and gender roles, in: Agenda, no. 43, s.41-45.

Tadesse, Z.

African women’s report, Post-conflict reconstrution in Africa, United Nations Economic Commission for Africa, ECA, Addis Abeba.

Tamale, Sylvia

Taking the beast by its horns, Formal resistance to women`s oppression in Africa, in: Africa Today, vol. 22, no. 4, S.5-21.

Turshen, Meredeth / Twagiramariya, Clothilde (eds.)

What women do in wartime, Gender and conflict in Africa, Zed Books, London.

United Nations Development Fund for Women (UNIFEM)

Women’s land and property rights in situations of conflict and reconstruction, UNIFEM Publications, New York.
Women and Peace Building in Africa, Seminar Report, UNIFEM Publication, New York.
Beyond numbers, Supporting women’s political participation and promoting gender equality in post-conflict governance in Africa, A review of the role of the UNIFEM, UNIFEM, New York.

United Nations Economic Commission for Africa

Women and the peace process, Perspectives from Africa, Addis Abeba.
African women’s report 1998, Post conflict reconstruction in Africa, A gender perspective, Addis Abeba.
5 years after Beijing, What efforts in favour of African women? Assessing women’s participation in the peace process, Addis Abeba.

United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) / UNESCO et al.

Best practices in peace buildung and non-violent conflict resolution, Some documented African Women’s Peace Initiatives, UNHCR/UNESCO Publication, Geneva/Paris.

Urdang, Stephanie

Women in national liberation movements, in: Hay, Margaret / Stichter,Sharon (eds.): African Women South of the Sahara, Longman Publishers, London, S.156-169.

Vickers, Jeanne

Women and war, Zed Books, London.

Vincent, L.

Engendering peace in Africa, A critical enquiry to some current thinking on the role of African women in peace building, in: African Journal for Conflict Resolution, 1.

Zdunnek, Gabriele

Geschlechterverhältnisse in ethnischen Konflikten und Bürgerkriegen, in: Peripherie, No. 68, S.24-39.

Zimprich, Elke

Ex-Kombattantinnen, Erfahrungen mit der Reintegration in Äthiopien, Eritrea und Uganda, in: EPD-Entwicklungspolitik, 3, S.r-x.

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